Our Team

Chris Wenzel Architectural
Dave Baber
Architectural historian
Mark Jackson
Vickie Oldham
Consultant and Community Scholar
Dr. Rosalyn Howard
Cultural Anthropologist
Kacey Troupe
Jim Flynn
Beatrice Sims
Spaghetti Ninja Creative Studio
NCHD Volunteer Researchers
Hope Black
Dawn Cannavo
Phyllis Gipson
Lillian Granderson
Ellen Heath
Dr. Keith Parker
Dr. Delores Penn
Les Porter
Dr. Keith Parker
Dr. Cheryl Smith
Alysia Crawford
Hailey Erin Praught
Newtown Heritage Trail Property Owners
Greater Hurst Chapel AME Church
Bethel CME Church
New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church
Truevine Missionary Baptist
Sarasota Housing Authority
Calvin and Whitni Bryant
Children First
Kenneth and Betty Graham Family
School Board of Sarasota County
Wright and Sarah Bush Family
Newtown Citizen Historic Task Force
Fredd Atkins
James Brown
Jetson Grimes
Trevor D. Harvey
Wade Harvin
John McCarthy
Robert L. Taylor
Municipal Mentors
Derek Kilborn, St. Petersburg Urban Planning Office
Elizabeth Woodruff, City of Fort Pierce