Dr. Rachel Shelley
Rachel Shelley has “literally lived in every single public housing complex in Sarasota, Project Lane, Cohen Way, the ‘Old Project,’” but her most treasured memories are the hours spent at 2924 Maple Avenue.
Her grandmother’s wooden house was surrounded by a fence located less than 1 1/2 blocks from Booker High School where sounds of the BHS marching band permeated the community. Neighborhood children played outside games such as “red light, green light” kick ball, and “hide-n-seek.” They were free to venture through the neighborhood and run to Jenkins Grocery, Mr. Joe’s Bicycle Shop and Neil Humphrey’s Drugstore for errands. The house rule was to be home before sundown.
From kindergarten to second grade, she attended Booker Elementary then transitioned to Phillippi Shores Elementary School. An experience with a third grade teacher transformed her life forever. “I graduated from Riverview High School when I was 16, but what I don’t recall is anyone explaining honor’s, advanced placement or dual enrollment classes for the chance to earn college credits. I am absolutely adamant that we have these conversations with the students at Booker High School.” Shelley is principal of Booker High.
Oral Interview: Dr. Rachel Shelley